Our reviews

(28 Reviews)
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June 26, 2024
Good taste and spicy the way I love it. Wait was too long, person who dealt with my order appeared cold and stoic, what was on website as vegetable seems really like a lot of ramen noodles mixed with a few sweet frozen sweet corn and green peas. Serving way too small as well.

July 27, 2023
Curry was a bit spicy, other than that good taste.

March 22, 2023
The Tikka Masala was way too salty.

October 30, 2022
Excellent food and very fast service.

August 06, 2022
We ordered the same thing last time and we really like it do we ordered again and it was made differently don’t know why.

July 27, 2022
Very good food

June 23, 2022
Asked mild spice but was very spicy. Overall taste was good

June 20, 2022
Good quality, no complaints

May 29, 2022
We just had to wait awhile for the order to be prepared.

April 27, 2022